SEVEN YEARS! – Project complete.
It’s a big weekend coming up, then Builds By Baz is taking a well earned, very long break.
The Viper and it’s trailer are now complete and on show this Sunday 1st of December 2024 at the Canberra Knife Show. The show will be hosted by my employer, Tharwa Valley Forge at Cuppacumbalong, Tharwa.
This week is a frantic dash to the finish line, as I tweak the display trailer to best view the Viper and be safe for crowds. I am hanging on by a thread after a very long seven years, including Covid, a cost-of-living crisis, some health issues and scares. I’ve had a complete lifestyle change and I’m still adapting. 2024 has been a hell of a year.
Be gentle with me.
See you at Cuppacumbalong at the Canberra Knife Show!
I have way too many people to thank. Over seven years, so many people have helped in large and small ways, that I am certain I have forgotten many of them.
I hope to compile a build video one day, with all my crappy photos and videos I took and saved along the way. At the end of the video I’d like to roll credits and list as many people as I can remember.
I have a few close and distant friends who have helped that I would like to mention.
My Family, Alex Wotzko, David Marriott, Patrick Martin, Karim Haddad, Alistair Mitchell, James Mouat, Peter Clarke, Russell Toovey, Myles Gostello, Shane Wells, Daniel LeBlanc, Andrew Wall, Dean Newbury, Geoffrey Dale Gay, Steve Fronczek, Lee Stringer, Doug Drexler, Colin Meacham, Tim Baker, Phil Davey, Adam Martin, Ewan Gibson, members of Overclockers Australia, Corin Urquhart, Ken Palkow, Robert Buettner, Jon Ely, Andrew Smith, Steve Millar, Scotty Hall, Matthew Ridley, Sven Vanoostward, All my Limited edition coin holders, Builds By Baz Facebook, Instagram and YouTube members, Kaz Williams, Cesar Fernandez, Mark Toogood, Shane Edwards.
That’s all I can remember for now as I’ve had a few beers and it’s getting late. If you are reading this and you are someone who helped and I left you out, please forgive me and send me a message so that I can add you to the list of credits!
Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close up…….
Wow, this is the motivation to do a reboot of the series! Just gorgeous!
Not sure what the Mr DeMille reference is about, but thank you Steve.