About Builds By Baz
“If you don’t follow up on your dreams immediately, someone else will.” Baz.
This website is to document and share creative builds with the world on order to encourage and inspire others. As challenges arise and solutions are discovered, they are shared so that others might build on lessons learned from both failure and success alike.
If you want to build something. Build it. If you don’t have the tools, make them. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Learn to re-purpose everything. Rise up to the challenge. If you can’t do it one way, find another way – there always is. Be creative with your time – don’t waste it.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but don’t expect everyone to jump through your hoops. Do it yourself as much as you can but admit and accept your limitations – for now. There’s nothing more satisfying than attempting something difficult with your own two hands and completing it.
I was asked recently what I want to achieve or do with my life. This question forced me to evaluate. I can tell you now that I want to do what I want to do. I don’t want to leave this earth having not even attempted those things. Of course I have to accept the reality of life as a responsible father, husband and full-time employee, but in the times, (often late at night) when I am not those things, I can be me. Just me.
Is building a sci-fi spaceship a priority? Is it important? In the big scheme of things, no it isn’t.
To me, it is. I’m doing it.
Good morning Barry,
Blessings and happy Monday. This is Xavier LeBlanc, and you may remember we spoke over email about a year ago, in regards to a video and music composition you had been seeking for years. One that I had edited together and posted online, but then was taken down. I sent along the title of the music track that had encompassed most of the audio since the full version was unavailable.
Well, Youtube has since then removed the ban on my video and it’s once again available and thought I’d give you the heads up. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_di2q4WD0sM&t=28s
G’day Xavier and thank you so much for your reply. I love the track and yes, I did discover recently that it had been returned to Youtube. It’s a wonderful track and I have since found it in the soundtrack of, “The Fountain” starring Hugh Jackman.
Blessings mate.
Hey Baz, I found your site by happenstance while looking for specs for the Viper. Not to build one mind you, just wanted to draw authentic looking drafts. Hats off to you, your personal ethos and approach to creating things for the sake of creating I share whole heartedly. I look forward to following your progress!
Best regards,
Thanks for dropping in and leaving such kind encouragement Luke!
Thanks for sharing the advancements of the Viper MKII & the Viper Pilot helmet with us! They look awesome and can’t wait to see more.
Kind regards
Most welcome! The networking may help me complete the build and the documenting of it may help the next person who wants to try. 😀
Hey Baz,
Fantastic work, it looks awesome,
I am currently looking at making a Viper MII rocker for my grandson .
I am not intending to go into the detail you are but i am a little unsure at this stage how I am going to do the engines and cockpit interior, I do want some buttons and lights for him and possibly some sound effects such as the engine and guns firing if i can manage it.
Any tips or hints would be appreciated.
There are no engine sounds that I know of in the new series. The old series had sound. Probably see if you can get a digital copy and grab the sound out as a sound file. There are sound effects programs and experts out there that can help you. Same goes for guns. Old turbo lasers vs new kinetic energy cannons.
Hello Baz, my name is Christian. I am a year 11 student researching on ‘How to make a knife’ for a major project at school, and I am wondering if you can answer a few questions for me:
– Why do you enjoy making knives/swords/metal things? And how did you develop these techniques and skills?
– Are there different methods/processes in making a knife? If so, how do these effect the quality of the knife?
– What tools are required to make a knife? How do these tools vary based on the quality that is wanted?
– What is the purpose for heat treating, tempering, normalizing cycles and how do these effect the overall quality of the knife? What is the most effective way to perform these tasks?
– What is your advice to someone who is making their first knife?0p
Thanks for your time and hope to hear back soon.
G’day Christian. That is a lot of questions and to answer fully, would take a week. Answers are not generic, because many things change and it depends on what you are trying to do. Are you in Australia? My advice to a first time knife maker is to just have a go with whatever you have available. If you want to go further, it would be best to do a course with someone like Tharwa Valley Forge. https://tharwavalleyforge.com/courses They run courses from one day, to one week. Check out their website for courses.
Found that many (all?) the image links on the “Building a space observatory” post (https://www.buildsbybaz.com/building-a-space-observatory/) point to what might be an old domain. For example the pic of the geodesic dome links to http://www.buildsbybarry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Dome8.jpg. I found that using that path under http://www.buildsbybaz.com works.
Cool stuff on your site. I especially like your astronomy efforts and that you’ve build such a nice observatory on your own and for a good cause.
In Him, Keith
Thanks Keith. I’ll look into it.
Hi Baz,
I loved reading about your story. I’m a podcast producer currently working on a project where I produce a short story day during a trip between Melbourne and Sydney. I know this is really short notice, but would you be free for a quick interview today (20/07/22) while I’m in town? You can send me an email if you’re free.
Sorry about the short notice, but I thought I’d try anyway. Good luck with your efforts anyway.
Daniel Semo
G’day Daniel. Sorry, I just noticed this. I don’t login here much as I’m usually too busy and mainly stick to the interactivity of Facebook. I’ve done dozens of interviews on radio TV, podcasts, youtube, Facebook, Zoom, you name it. There’s really not much more to say until it’s finished.
Thanks for your interest.