Viper Build

MkII Viper hull labels and markings.

The finishing touches on the hull make all the difference. Stickers, decals, paint and stencils can be utilised to add that extra level of detail, accuracy and credibility.

My good friend Andrew Smith has helped me out a number of times out of the goodness of his giant heart. He jumped ahead and got the large primus crests printed on car-sticker quality material.

Andrew has gone all the way and printed me the entire hull collection.

Here are some screen grabs and crops from around the internet, that I will eventually have to scale and print. Most of them are very low resolution and photographed through a potato, so I will endeavour to find better ones and complete the set.

2 thoughts on “MkII Viper hull labels and markings.

  • hey dont know if this will help or not ..but the rescue release handle shown in your photo apears to be the fuel filler port on a 2005 ninja 500 or it identical to the oem (usa model) one on my bike anyway
    something like a replacement cap would lend a more realistic look then stickers just hope you find this info usefull ..and good job by the way i would so love to have one of these setting in my yard

    • BuildsByBaz

      Thanks Chris. I remember seeing something about it on Galactiguise a couple of years ago I think. Cheers. That gives me a bit of a place to start searching.


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